Evan Gao's homepage @sdf.opg @notch1p.xyz

Your average undergraduate lisp writer.

I’m learning Programming Language Theory as well as Mathematical Logic. I'm also interested in Typography and Linguistics (to some extent)

Find me at

$\lambda x.github: URL$

$\lambda y.blog: URL$

$\lambda x\circ\lambda y:: URL\to URL\to Me$

What is a MFW design (as shown in the title)

MFW, a.k.a. Motherfuckingwebsite is a design paradigm that emphases lightweight, responsive and copper-bottomed website developing. The designer contends1 that the “KISS2” principle shall be applied to website designing as well. In their illustration (See 1.), Motherfucker demonstrated the idea in a not-so-esteric yet aphoristic way. The fact that the way they expresses themselves, is an application of the Motherfucking Website design itself – this recursion – What a brilliant way of self-reference. That’s the reason I’m enforcing the MFW designing principle. (Notice how I didn’t even load katex or mathjax or a svg. If you cannot compile LaTeX2e in your head, that’s a skill issue tbh and you need to be better at it son)

I would go out as far as to say that I have done a better job since I do not use google analytics in my homepage. Unlike them. I deliberately use plain http to keep this homepage simple. Definitely not because I'm poor.

  1. G. Motherfucker, “Motherfucking Website”. Available: https://motherfuckingwebsite.com. [Accessed Jan. 4, 2019] 

  2. Keep It Simple Stupid